Saturday, February 25, 2012

First ride after long illness - Great fun

Doug, Derek and I started off at 10:00 at Bayliss and Westridge.  Up the wall, westridge, nike, the hub and on way back a huge 4 inch nail bit my rear tire.

I thought I would give Doug a few tips and practice being my pit crew.  He kept a smile the whole time, which is how you always see Doug, smiling and happy, no matter what!

Team Margarita new kit - designed by Sarah - I am their Westside team ;-)

Finally Derek came back with a tire lever, Doug had a tube and pump, and lots of mess and work by Doug, I was ready to ride.  Thanks to my pit crew.  We then went down Sullivan to the boy scout gate, but up the sullivan Ridge climb, and never stopped, blew down Sullivan canyon as fast as I could and had the time of my life!   Thank you Doug and Derek for a great welcome back ride!

All in all it was around 25 miles, 3600 feet of climbing and little over three hours ride time.  Sunny beautiful day. 
I am so grateful to have have woken up not sick today.   My day was topped by the most awesome meeting with my friends of Bill and I nearly cried several times.  A long talk with Holly.  Time with my dog.  Bought  a new $70.00 bike tire, new tubes and ready for tomorrow.
I am exhausted with love and gratitude and a my heart is full of fun and friends.  Coach Lou is in Alaska and my thoughts are with her.
This is probably the best time of my life for me.  So I need to sleep!
Night and I hope everybody had an awesome day too.

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