Thursday, January 26, 2017

A new day and a new smile

his is the beginning of a new day.
I can waste it or use it for good.
What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.
When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever,
leaving in its place something I have traded for it.
I want it to be a gain, not a loss;
good, not evil;
success, not failure —
in order that I shall not regret the price I paid for it today.
author unknown

Sunday, January 22, 2017

CA Coast ride photos 2017 January

Notes from friends 2, from Lipton...Thank you!

Dear Ride for Life,

I want to thank you for your inspiration. Merely thanking you for your inspiration, though, does not seem enough. You have so many great qualities that make you who you are today and the list would never be complete because I don't know enough words to use to explain them all, to explain who your are as an exceptional human being!! The few that do come to mind, and float to the top of that never ending list, would be: loving, honest, strong, determined, caring, giving, beautiful, sober, smart, funny, friendly, dedicated, patient, disciplined, flexible, playful, sensitive, courageous, persistent, fascinating, real, informative, gregarious, practical, outstanding, attentive, successful, forgiving, radiant, spiritual, resourceful, charming, affable, engaging, supportive, remarkable, enlightened, true to yourself... 

The list goes on...

And you are right, Miracles, God and Angels do exist!
Thanks Miss Cheryl!!!



Notes from friends

Paulette has been my best friend since about 1985, when I started court reporting school.

She has been there for me through everything.  From cancer, broken femur, to helping the nurse insert the catheter in the ER.  

She texted me this earlier, and I thought it was so sweet.  I am hoping some day to write a book, so keeping notes here and FB.

(from Paulette)

You're whole life you've been a free falling soul. I'm sure nobody ever died wishing that they'd had less love in their life...

I'm so happy for you & proud of you & in awe of you. You have courage without choice.

Day 6 of Coast Ride - Goleta to Venice 107 miles

Garmin Connect

No rain!  I made a big mistake by changing my nutrition...not smart!   Never change anything before 100-mile ride.

Flatted at mile 82.5 on PCH and within ten minutes, Stanly was there and gave me a new wheel.

Venice was a mess on bike path. Frisbee contest on the beach, sidewalk covered in sand and not ridable in most areas.
I hope next year they avoid the bike path in Venice.

I am sitting in my hotel room at the Erwen, watching the waves and feeling happy I did not quit on Tuesday when I wanted to.

I did not think I could do it  -- that I could ride six days in a row, in hurricane winds, extreme rain, extreme cold and then finish with 107 miles with several personal records on PCH. This was my fastest century ever.

I also borrowed a Light Speed stenograph machine from my friend Rich so I could get in my 15 minutes a day of steno practice and my 100-day challenge.

My highlight really was riding last Wednesday with Chris Carmichael and us being in the lead.  He told me he has never seen me ride so well.  Pushing myself beyond any limits I put on myself was like a dream.

Angie Rake is maybe going to help get me in Leadville in August.  I am thinking of the three-day Breck Epic that same week.

To top off my week, a few days ago, Dorothy R. asked me to speak at the women's AA meeting Wednesday night in Pacific Palisades.

Leigh Heyer is riding  and staying strong. I pray for him every day.  I know prayer works, when doctors and medicine do not.

Grateful to be sober, because that is all I have and all I need

So the Coast ride is off my bucket list and back to work this week.

I am probably too tired to be writing, so if I am not making sense, cut me a break.