Sunday, January 22, 2012

3 hours 3300 feet - WR; Hub - Sully Canyon by stenogrl at Garmin Connect - Details

3 hours 3300 feet - WR; Hub - Sully Canyon by stenogrl at Garmin Connect - Details

I drove home from Oxnard this morning, dropped the dog off, grabbed a few eggs and my bike and headed up to Westridge. Life is in session, as we say, and I try to never forget how blessed I am and that all the seemingly bad things in my life, are quality problems, period!

We hit the trail and my shifting was not working and slipping - Chain was getting sucked in! This stopping and taking off wheel and adjusting and adjusting took us at least 30 minutes. But after a bit, my riding partner had it dialed in (well, it got me through today's ride) ;-) Nice having a bike mechanic for a riding partner - very handy, indeed. I thought he was going to pull out a tool box in his back pack - but he had the screwdriver! ;-)

It can be frustrating when you are tying to climb and your chain is slipping, so after I got over that, I felt better mentally, and it seems if my head is off, my legs are off - funny how that works in all walks of life?

We headed to the hub, Eagle Rock, down Sullivan Canyon and back up the wall to my car! All in all I felt great. I was able to stand up and really power on the pedals far farther than every before. The training is paying off - I may still be slower than a lot of people, but I am so much faster and stronger than I was a few months ago! Actually, I was never able to pedal uphill standing for much more than ten feet - I cannot believe how long I was able to pedal uphill standing today. Thanks, Lou and Doug!

After the ride, I am now feeling I may have caught a bug and feeling a cold -- right to the Zicam! I swear by that stuff and will let you know tomorrow? - Now I need a meeting and I cannot get out of bed.

I must admit, though I see so much improvement, I worry about Counting Coup. I have never tried an endurance race before. This is really my first "real" race, period.

Thank you so much to all of you who continue to support me in my dream!

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