Saturday, February 11, 2012

Puerco mash - Bull Dog climb phew by stenogrl at Garmin Connect - Details

Puerco mash - Bull Dog climb phew by stenogrl at Garmin Connect - Details

Garmin stats today, Saturday - My plan was to go back to CC and try some downhill, but chance of rain and cold changed the plans.
Doug and Derek decided to take me on another first-time climb for Cheryl. It was really difficult climbing! Puerco, Bulldog, Backbone - I felt really slow and tired, but those are some steep climbs. The cut on my shin where I got 7 stitches on Oct 1 is starting to bother me. I sure hope it's nothing serious. I know it did not heal before it was smashed in the car door, but I cannot have any medical treatment until May, at least! So we rode around 25 miles, around 5500 feet of climbing some steep hills. I know this is the best training I can do for Counting Coup, as we all know that race is 8000 feet of climbing! Thank gosh for Gu and Hammer sustained energy! Mojo Bars! salami!

So these training rides require good sleep for sure. Yesterday was hours at the vet with emergency with my dog, then the emergency i-phone issue! lol - and nearly three hours at the Apple store and up half the night dealing with itunes, i cloud, etc!
Man, these electronics can suck the life out of you.

Derek made this incredible climb up Coral rocks and surprised himself and us! I got some great pictures I will post when he sends them. Doug has already done that one before. In case you have not figured it out, I ride with mountain goats disguised as humans!

Today was beautiful and the views of Malibu and the ocean were spectacular. The company was fun, as always. We took some photos at the Mash cars on Bulldog and dodged the tourists.
Overall, I did my best and I was happy that climbing up Bulldog after climbing Puerco that I did not walk any of it. I kept reading my red cap "easier than cancer" - I also talk to my angels and ask them to help me pedal with the steep gets too steep! You can laugh, but it seems to work. ;-)

Hoping my coach will let me do the Harding Counting Coup, Holy Jim upper and lower next week if the weather is okay. I really need to ride those downhills! Bummed we could not do it today, but really had a good time and a GREAT work out on today's ride.
I hope Lou is proud of me. I can really feel my rear-end muscles kicking in and my legs getting stronger and HR is getting more consistent on climbs and I am not blowing up. I have the world's best coach and training partner. They both push me to my limits and give me lots of support and positive feedback, which really helps me.

Derek and I grabbed a quick burrito at La Salsa on the way home from Malibu and we both wolfed them down so fast my stomach hurt!

On such a sad note: I am sure we are all so saddened and stunned by the death of Whitney Houston! So sad. 3:55 p.m. today she was found dead at the Beverly Hilton hotel. I am so grateful I was with my friends of Bill tonight and in a safe place. Drugs and alcohol continue to take lives and ruin families. God bless all the people out there suffering with drug and alcohol addiction. There is a solution!

And happy 25th birthday to my friend Lipton!



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