Yesterday I did not get a chance to post. I set out to do my intervals, but quickly saw my legs were not recovered from Sunday and/or my cold to get my HR up enough before the legs were blowing up. So I went up Mandeville, the three BB and some of Westridge. About 15 miles and 2000 feet and 1.15 of riding time and called it a day.
Today was an awesome deposition day with three very nice attorneys. The highlight of my day was when I saw one of the attorneys walk in with a really nice gym looking bag that said UCLA Platelet's, and other things on it. I commented to the attorney and found he received the bag for giving platelets and donating over 100 times. He is a regular donor there and started off donating blood and then now donates more platelets. I smiled and was happy to thank him and would like to thank any of you whoever donate. I had several blood transfusions and needed platelets many times though my bone marrow transplants. Anyway, it was seemed nice for both of us. He got to meet me, someone who has been in the situation of wondering if there will be donations for me. I even had a blood transfusion for the broken leg in 2009.
So thank you, Mr. Unnamed donor/attorney for taking you time and sitting for the long hours to donate platelets. I am sure it is not comfortable! But many there are many sick people out there who need people like you! Thanks! Now let's see if I can get one of those bags! ? lol
After my deposition, I was excited to get home and jump on the stationary bike! Tomorrow is another work day, stationary bike day and I am hoping to get a really long climbing ride in this Saturday at Counting Coup!!! I have six hours to pedal!
Looking for some techincal sections and fun downhill!
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