Saturday, February 18, 2012


Dr. Spector said says, rest!  10 days on high-dose antibiotics. -  Coach Lou  says, it's okay because I have trained enough to do the ride today and it's better I rest than risk getting really ill.
But, of course, I am not happy about this.   Resting today and tomorrow and hope to do my big ride on Monday, if the cough is better.

One person told me that it's not uncommon to become ill when training and doing intervals?   I suspect the intervals in cold air last Tuesday and drenched in rain and cold on Wednesday did not help matters.

Since this is the first time I have ever trained for anything, I would not know.   I know I have been putting my body through some serious workouts, more than I ever dreamed I could do, so my immune system is taking a beating.   Keeping in mind that multiple myeloma is, in  a nutshell, cancer of the immune system, I feel I am doing pretty darn well!   I got shingles on my face in 2003 from my immune system being compromised and I was out of work for  a year and have permanent nerve damage on my left eye.  My entire left quadrant of my face and head was affected and it was terribly painful and still have serious PHN on left eye.

I will be grateful today for whatever comes my way and stop thinking about me and see if I can help someone else!  
Hope I have a better post on Monday night!

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